Caucasian Grape Varieties
In Moldova, the following types of Caucasian grape varieties are widely cultivated and used: Saperavi and Rcațiteli.
Saperavi is a very popular grape in Moldova and is produced widely across the country. You will find Saperavi at the forefront of many of the Moldovan wineries’ celebrated wines.
Country of origin: Kakheti, Georgia
Parental forms: Ordinary selection
According to its biological and morphological properties, Saperavi belongs to the ecological-geographical group of grape varieties specific for the Black Sea region.
Synonyms: - Красильщик (Crasylșcik), Didi Saperavi, Kleinbeeriger
It is cultivated in the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and in the southern part of Russia.
The area planted with this variety in the Republic of Moldova (registered in RVV, 30.12.2019): The area planted with the Saperavi variety covers 353.0 ha, including 132.0 ha registered for the production of wine products with PGI.
Saperavi wine has a very intense pomegranate colour with aromas of smoked plums, black currant and blackberries with an intense plum taste. It is also characterised by a weak astringency.
Country of origin: Georgia
Parental forms: Original variety of Kakheti Widely cultivated in the former Soviet Union republics.
Rkațiteli vineyards are cultivated in the Republic of Moldova and also in Romania (Moldova and Oltenia regions). The wine produced reaches a very good level of quality. It is a well-balanced dry wine, with a straw-yellow colour and good acidity.
The area planted with this variety in the Republic of Moldova (registered in RVV, 30.12.2019): The area planted with Rkațiteli covers 2541.2 ha, including 128.0 ha registered for the production of wine products with PGI.
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