Institutional Partners
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI)
State policy in the wine sector is developed and promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and is implemented through the National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV). In order to financially support the measures for the development of the wine sector, in 2013 The ONVV was created, which management the Vine and Wine Fund. Thus, ONVV carries out the activity of promoting the wine sector, while representing the platform for meeting the interests of the private and state sector, where, through interinstitutional collaboration, actions are initiated, and activities developed to achieve the objectives of development of the wine industry.
National Food Safety Agency (ANSA)
The public authority, which supervises compliance with the regulatory framework of the economic entities in the wine sector and ensures the certification of multiplication material and wine products. It is a partner of ONVV in the framework of the "Flave Dor" project, in which it participates in the visual evaluation of vineyards to assess damage caused by phytoplasma diseases, determines the type of phytoplasma diseases by the PCR laboratory method and participates in communication activities.
Investment Agency
The Moldovan Investment Agency, as the central administrative authority under the Government of Moldova, is the only institution mandated to promote the image of the Republic of Moldova on the economic and investment dimension, being the manager of the National Country Brand to position Moldova on the global economic map.
The Agency develops promotional platforms and tools in support of the business environment in the Republic of Moldova and facilitates interinstitutional dialogue for foreign investors by establishing collaborative partnerships with all interest groups.
The partnership between the Agency and ONVV is strengthened by joint efforts to support and promote the business environment in the wine and wine tourism field, expressed through a series of national and international resonance initiatives:
In its export promotion activity, the Agency aims to contribute to: diversifying export markets, increasing export competitiveness, diversifying export products and services, with a targeted focus on products that can generate greater added value
Areas of activity of the Investment Agency:
Agriculture Intervention and Payments Agency (AIPA)
The Agriculture Intervention and Payments Agency (AIPA) is a public institution designed to manage the resources of the National Agricultural and Rural Development Fund, as well as the resources of development partners allocated for administration and to carry out intervention measures for the agricultural sector.
ONVV uses Data from AIPA on the sum of capital investments carried out annually by the wine sector in the establishment of vineyards and parent plantations, the deforestation of inefficient vineyards and the investments in winemaking equipment. To execute its interventions AIPA conditions its beneficiary to present ONVV issued certificates on registration of vineyards plots and inclusion in Vine and Wine Register.
Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova
The National Vine and Wine Office concluded with the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova "Memorandum on cooperation between institutions" on August 15, 2018. Through this Collaborative Memorandum, the parties aim to organise the exchange of information in various areas related to the direct tasks of the Parties, in the interest of joint assurance with information and assistance necessary for the execution of the organizations’ duties, being mutually interested in ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Both parties pay particular attention to the effective interaction in the customs and tax field and agree on the following:
At the same time The National Vine and Wine Office and the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova on August 15, 2018, concluded the "Agreement on the exchange of information" which requires the institutions to grant, free of charge, reciprocal access to information from the Information Systems held through the authorised portal and/or the telecommunications system of the public administration authorities.
Information systems are:
National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (NBS)
IP The National Office of Vine and Wine, in order to achieve the basic tasks and its objectives, set out in Government Decision No. 725 of 16.09.2013, has established a collaborative relationship with the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
Through this collaboration, the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova provides the National Office of Vine and Wine quarterly/annually information and statistical data on the wine sector such as:
State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI)
IP The National Vine and Wine Office collaborates with the State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI), which is the central administrative authority under the Government, responsible for promoting and carrying out activities in the field of legal protection of intellectual property, industrial property rights, copyright, and related rights. One of the basic tasks of ONVV is the management of the production of wine products with protected geographical indication (PGI) and protected denomination of origin (PDO) in accordance with the technical regulations approved by the Government. Thus, collaboration with AGEPI is developed for the proper use of distinguishing marks of origin and quality, expanding the role of producing PGI and PDO wine products in promoting trade and attracting investment.
Strategic Partners
USAID / MCP / SWEDEN – Moldova Competitiveness Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sweden.
Improving the quality of Moldovan products and services is a key component for preparing Moldova's private sector to compete on the EU market and other highly competitive markets.
The Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP), funded by USAID, the Government of Sweden, and UK Aid, promotes a robust, diverse, and export-oriented economy to improve competitiveness across Moldova.
The project aims to promote the competitiveness of traditional and emerging economic sectors in Moldova, from winemaking and tourism, clothing and footwear to information technology, engineering and creative services. By increasing economic resilience in these sectors, Moldova is strengthening its relations with Europe, in order to generate important trade and investment opportunities. As a key donor program, MCP aims to create new jobs, reduce migration, reduce poverty and improve the economic well-being of all Moldovans.
About Project
The Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP) was launched on September 30, 2015, and is implemented by Chemonics International Inc. MCP assistance for the Moldovan wine industry is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Sweden.
MCP invests in sustainable viticulture and quality wine production, repositioning Moldova in high value markets and facilitating improved governance of the sector, based on public-private partnerships and by stimulating a favourable business climate that allows the creation of an industry. resilient and sustainable, protecting incomes and jobs in rural areas.
Strategic partner of the wine sector of the Republic of Moldova - MCP provides essential support for strengthening the wine industry, contributing to rural development and an improved image of the country internationally.
USAID and the Government of Sweden are supporting Moldova's viticulturists and winemakers to overcome the consequences of an extensive industry recession and three times the value of exports resulting from two Russian trade embargoes. MCP invests in every stage of the wine production process, from improving quality in viticulture and winemaking, to implementing complex marketing programs to increase sales in EU and other high value-added markets, but also in support of good governance. of industry, through a single public-private partnership (PPP). Combined, these efforts have improved the resilience of Moldova's wine industry to future shocks, but also protect and create employment opportunities in rural areas
As a result of the complex approach and transformational assistance from the MCP and its predecessor projects, the Moldovan wine industry shows the first signs of a sustainable recovery after the Russian embargoes. Recent structural reforms, including the establishment of the National Vine and Wine Office (ONVV) organized according to a single model of PPP governance, liberalization of the business environment and efficient promotion of Moldovan wine, have contributed to the reorientation of exports from traditional, high-grade markets. to new stable, high value-added markets.
Strengthening governance and industry reforms:
EUH Business / Europa Inv Bank., AFC
The project implemented by the AFC Agriculture and Finance Consulting Firm in the consortium with "Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften (ADG) and BSI Group " started in June 2018 and is expected to continue for a period of 3 years (to April 21). The Agriculture and Finance Consulting Company AFC is one of the most important consultants in financial and agrarian sectors and started its activity in the Republic of Moldova, supporting the process of reforming horticultural sector, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova, which is the beneficiary of the European project
The overall objective of Technical Assistance is to support the modernisation and development of the horticultural sector in Moldova, in accordance with the "Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy 2014-2020 of the Republic of Moldova". The purpose of the Technical Assistance is to contribute to the creation of an administrative, technical, financial, and educational framework that will support stakeholders in the horticultural sector and, in particular, fruit producers, in order to enable them to recover from the current operational and financial stress and to establish a solid technical and economic basis for the future development of a key sector of the Moldovan economy
EU4Business Project
Following the participation in the call for project proposals under the EU4BUSINESS Program, ONVV together with the Chamber of Agriculture of Dordogne (France) won the Project ''Partners in Wine: Supporting Sustainability and Internationalization in the Franco-Moldovan wine sector''. The project will run from November 2021 to February 2022 and will involve study visits and exchange of experience in order to create a more competitive, smarter, and more environmentally friendly wine system. The action will also enable key representatives in the sector (Business Support Associations and SMEs) to develop capacities in two key areas of cooperation: sustainability and innovative models of production and business cooperation and internationalization.
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