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Wine Regions of Moldova

There are 4 wine regions in the Republic of Moldova. These wine regions are Codru, Ștefan Vodă, Valul lui Traian and Divin. Each Moldovan wine region is run by an association of local Moldovan wine producers with PGI. All PGIs are protected both in the Re-public of Moldova and in the EU.

Codru wine region

Located in the heart of the Republic of Moldova, over time it became distinguished for its specific environmental features favourable for the creation of strong wines.

Stefan Voda wine region

Positioned in the south-eastern part of the Republic of Moldova, this PGI region has acquired national and international fame with respect to its production of red wines.

Valul lui Traian wine region

Set in the south of the Republic of Moldova, it gained specific environmental features favou-rable for the production of wines with strong, specific, typical characteristics of this region.

Divin wine region

The geographical area delimited for the production of wine spirits with Protected Geo-graphical Indication extends over the entire area of the Republic of Moldova.

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