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Pentru a citi articol scris de VinAvisen treceti pe lincul:
"A visual foray into the magical atmosphere of the 20th edition of the Wine Opening! Watch with joy and enthusiasm the moments full of color and aroma, captured at the Palace of the Republic. With 79 winemakers, over 400 wines and hundreds of guests dear ones, this winter edition brought wine enthusiasts and lovers together, […]
«Визуальный обзор в волшебную атмосферу 20-го выпуска Wine Opening! Наблюдайте с радостью и энтузиазмом за моментами, полными цвета и аромата, запечатленными во Дворце Республики. С 79 виноделами, более 400 винами и сотнями дорогих гостей. В этом зимнем выпуске энтузиасты и любители вина собрались вместе, создав незабываемую и радостную атмосферу.
"O incursiune vizuală în atmosfera magica a celei de-a XX-a ediții a Vernisajului Vinului! Priviți cu bucurie și entuziasm momentele pline de culoare și aromă, surprinse la Palatul Republicii. Cu 79 de vinificatori, peste 400 de vinuri și sute de oaspeți dragi, această ediție de iarnă a adus împreună pasionați și iubitori ai vinului, creând […]
The guests of the event had the opportunity to taste the winning wines of this year's "Wine of Moldova" National Contest and to be present at the diploma awarding ceremony. We are glad that we could share this moment with you, lovers of local wine! We invite you to watch the video by accessing the […]
Гости мероприятия имели возможность продегустировать вина-победители Национального конкурса «Вино Молдовы» в этом году и присутствовать на церемонии вручения дипломов. Мы рады, что смогли разделить этот момент с вами, любители местного вина! Приглашаем вас посмотреть видео по ссылке: https://www.facebook.com/reel/738189245032323
Oaspeții evenimentului au avut ocazia să deguste vinurile câștigătoare ale Concursului Național „Vinul Moldovei” din acest an și să fie prezenți la ceremonia de decernare a diplomelor. Ne bucurăm că am putut împărtăși acest moment cu voi, iubitori ai vinului autohton! Vă invitem să priviți video accesând lincul : https://www.facebook.com/reel/738189245032323
We share some sequences from the second edition of the "Moldova Wine" National Contest, which took place on November 9 and 10 at Digital Park. The competition, which took place according to the rules established by the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), marks the alignment of the Moldovan wine industry with international standards […]
Мы делимся некоторыми кадрами со второго Национального конкурса «Вино Молдовы», который проходил 9 и 10 ноября в Digital Park. Конкурс, проведенный по правилам, установленным Международной организацией винограда и вина (OIV), знаменует собой приведение винодельческой отрасли Молдовы в соответствие с международными стандартами и высокую оценку исключительного качества отечественных вин всемирно известными экспертами в области виноделия. поле. […]
Împărtășim câteva secvențe de la cea de-a doua ediție a Concursului Național „Vinul Moldovei”, care a avut loc pe 9 și 10 noiembrie la Digital Park. Competiția, care s-a desfășurat conform regulilor stabilite de către Organizația Internațională a Viei și Vinului (OIV), marchează alinierea industriei vitivinicole din Moldova la standardele internaționale și aprecierea calității excepționale […]
New connections were made, the creations of Moldovan producers were tasted, stories were told and experiences were shared. Thank you for being with us! We invite you to see what the atmosphere was like at the 20th edition of the Wine Opening. Go to the link to watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/reel/3631388740478628
Были установлены новые связи, дегустированы творения молдавских производителей, рассказаны истории и обменялся опытом. Спасибо, что вы с нами! Приглашаем вас увидеть, какой была атмосфера на 20-м выпуске Wine Opening. Для просмотра видео перейдите по ссылке: https://www.facebook.com/reel/3631388740478628.
S-au creat noi conexiuni, s-au degustat creațiile producătorilor din Moldova, s-au povestit istorii și s-au împărtășit experiențe. Vă mulțumim că ați fost alături de noi! Vă invităm să vedeți cum a fost atmosfera la cea de-a XX-a ediție a Vernisajului Vinului. Accesați lincul de a privi video: https://www.facebook.com/reel/3631388740478628
We are excited about this great news for the entire country and the wine industry. This achievement comes to fortify the continuous work and passion with which we dedicated ourselves to the promotion of Moldovan Wine in the European Union In recent years, wine exports to the EU have grown impressively, reaching over 70%. This […]
Мы очень рады этой замечательной новости для всей страны и винодельческой отрасли. Это достижение подкрепляет непрерывную работу и страсть, с которой мы посвятили себя продвижению молдавского вина в Европейском Союзе. В последние годы экспорт вина в ЕС впечатляюще вырос, достигнув более 70%. Эта тенденция к росту является не только символом качества наших вин, но и […]
Suntem încântați de această veste extraordinară pentru întreaga țară și pentru industria vinului. Această realizare vine să fortifice munca neîncetată și pasiunea cu care ne-am dedicat promovării Vinului Moldovei în Uniunea Europeană În ultimii ani, exporturile de vin în UE au crescut impresionant, atingând peste 70%. Acest trend ascendent nu este doar un simbol al […]
There is only one day left until the Wine Vernissage, the winter edition. On December 15th, we will meet at the Palace of the Republic to celebrate together the successes of Moldavian Wine in 2023. Grab your loved ones, good mood and, of course, the entrance ticket to secure a place at the event - […]
До зимнего Вернисажа вин остался всего один день. 15 декабря мы встретимся во Дворце Республики, чтобы вместе отпраздновать успехи молдавского вина в 2023 году. Берите с собой близких, хорошее настроение и, конечно же, входной билет для закрепления за собой места на мероприятии -https://iticket.md/.../vernisajul-vinului-vino-poveste-de... Давайте вместе создадим зимнюю историю на Wine Opening 2023!
A mai rămas doar o singură zi până la Vernisajul Vinului, ediția de iarnă. Pe 15 decembrie ne vedem la Palatul Republicii să celebrăm împreună succesele Vinului Moldovei din 2023. Ia-ți oamenii dragi, buna dispoziție și ,bineînțeles, biletul de intrare ca să-ți asiguri un loc la eveniment - https://iticket.md/.../vernisajul-vinului-vino-poveste-de... Creăm împreună povestea de iarnă la […]
We are already counting the days left until the event and remind you that at the Wine Opening you will have the opportunity to taste the winning wines of the "Moldova Wine" National Contest, including Grand Gold medal wines from Casa Vinicola Luca, Fautor Winery, Purcari, Castel Mimi, but also other exceptional wines from our […]
Мы уже считаем дни, оставшиеся до мероприятия, и напоминаем, что на «Винном открытии» у вас будет возможность продегустировать вина-победители Национального конкурса «Вино Молдовы», в том числе вина с Большой золотой медалью от Casa Vinicola Luca, Fautor Winery, Пуркарь, Кастель Мими, а также другие исключительные вина от наших производителей. До встречи 15 декабря во Дворце Республики, […]
Noi numărăm deja zilele rămase până la eveniment și vă reamintim că anume la Vernisajul Vinului veți avea ocazia să gustați vinurile câștigătoare la Concursul Național „Vinul Moldovei”, printre care vinuri medaliate cu Grand Gold de la Casa Vinicola Luca, Fautor Winery, Purcari, Castel Mimi, dar și alte vinuri de excepție de la producătorii noștri. […]
We want to proudly announce the beautiful results obtained by our winemakers at the "Effervescents du Monde" contest in France, held between November 28-30. Our wines have been honored with valuable distinctions, including 5 gold and 7 silver medals. ONVV supported the participation of 14 wine companies from Moldova, including: Asconi Winery, Apriori Wine, Radacini, […]
Мы хотим с гордостью сообщить о прекрасных результатах, полученных нашими виноделами на конкурсе «Effervescents du Monde» во Франции, проходившем с 28 по 30 ноября. Наши вина удостоены ценных наград, в том числе 5 золотых и 7 серебряных медалей. ОНВВ поддержал участие 14 винных компаний Молдовы, в том числе: Asconi Winery, Apriori Wine, Radacini, Chateau Vartely […]
Vrem să anunțăm cu mândrie rezultatele frumoase obținute de vinificatorii noștri la concursul “Effervescents du Monde” din Franța, desfășurat în perioada 28-30 noiembrie. Vinurile noastre au fost onorate cu distincții valoroase, inclusiv 5 medalii de aur și 7 de argint . ONVV a susținut participarea a 14 companii vinicole din Moldova, printre care: Asconi Winery, […]
We are pleased to invite you to an exceptional wine experience – the winter edition of the Wine Vernissage. This year we will celebrate the 20th anniversary edition of the opening, which will be held under the slogan "Come, winter story!". The Wine Vernissage is one of the most important wine events in the country, […]
Мы рады пригласить вас на исключительный винный опыт – зимний Вернисаж вин. В этом году мы отметим 20-летие открытия, которое пройдет под лозунгом «Приходи, зимняя история!». Вернисаж вина — одно из важнейших винных мероприятий в стране, мероприятие, посвященное любителям вина, целью которого является популяризация винной культуры на внутреннем рынке и выдвижение на первый план безошибочных […]
Suntem încântați să vă invităm la o experiență vinicolă de excepție – ediția de iarnă a Vernisajului Vinului. Anul acesta vom sărbători ediția aniversară a vernisajului, a XX-a, care se va desfășura sub sloganul „Vino, poveste de iarnă!”.  Vernisajul Vinului este unul din cele mai importante evenimente vinicole din țară, eveniment dedicat pasionaților de vinuri, […]
Last week, around 90 representatives of wineries in the country participated in an online seminar dedicated to the new European legislation regarding the labeling of wine products. The seminar was given by Dr. Ignacio Sanchez Recarte, general secretary of CEEV (European Committee of Wine Companies). The seminar discussed important topics related to the new European […]
На прошлой неделе около 90 представителей виноделен страны приняли участие в онлайн-семинаре, посвященном новому европейскому законодательству относительно маркировки винодельческой продукции. Семинар проводил доктор Игнасио Санчес Рекарте, генеральный секретарь CEEV (Европейский комитет винодельческих компаний). На семинаре обсуждались важные темы, связанные с новым европейским законодательством, которое постепенно вступит в силу, предоставив производителям двухлетний переходный период для внедрения. […]

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Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal


ONVV is the No. 1 expert in the Moldovan wine sector, which contributes to the regulation and sectors’ development acting as a platform for joint action of all those involved in increasing the competitiveness of wine products, capitalizing on authenticity and consumer orientation and those engaged in promoting Moldovan wines through the program and the national wine brand “Wine of Moldova - A legend alive"

Our Wineries

As described in legends, well-known to all of us, our wine has been created by many generations of winemakers in the world’s largest underground galleries and is highly valued by consumers from around the world.

Wine Tourism

It is always the people that make Moldova special. A tourist to the Republic of Moldova will encounter genuine, warm, and friendly people and experience the culinary delights of the country. Moldova is also famous for the underground galleries of “Cricova” and “Mileștii Mici”, the latter being included into the Guinness Book of Records for the largest wine collection in the world.

Moldovan Wine

Production of Moldovan wine is carried out with passion, care, and expertise. It is produced from local and European grape varieties, hand-picked from the hillside vineyards and those adapted to the local terroir. Care is taken to maintain the authenticity and traditional style of winemaking, producing amazing wines to be enjoyed locally and across the world.

Wine Regions

In the Republic of Moldova there are 4 regions for the production of wine products with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). They are Codru, Ștefan Vodă, Valul lui Traian and Divin. Each region is run by an association of wine producers with PGI. All 4 PGIs are protected both in the Republic of Moldova and in the EU.


Throughout the year we celebrate our wine with pride at various events and special days in the calendar. On the first weekend in October, we invite you to the National Wine Day - the largest celebration dedicated to millennium traditions of winemaking and an exceptional cultural show.

News & Media

All the news, awards, publications, and interesting facts about Wine of Moldova are presented on the News and Media page.