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Come, winter tale!

We are pleased to invite you to an exceptional wine experience – the winter edition of the Wine Vernissage. This year we will celebrate the 20th anniversary edition of the opening, which will be held under the slogan “Come, winter story!”.

The Wine Vernissage is one of the most important wine events in the country, an event dedicated to wine enthusiasts, which aims to promote wine culture on the domestic market and bring to the fore the unmistakable qualities of local products.

Many surprises await us at this edition. In addition to the traditional discussions with sommelier specialists and winemakers from the country, this year we will have the opportunity to taste exceptional wines from 75 producers, including the wines awarded at the national “Wine of Moldova Contest”.

In addition, we will have the opportunity to taste a lot of new wines from our producers. And this edition, within the Vernissage, a separate salon will be created dedicated to the best diviners in the country.

On December 15, we are waiting for you at the Palace of the Republic to celebrate Moldavian Wine together. See you at the Wine Vernissage, XX edition.

Tickets available at: https://iticket.md/…/vernisajul-vinului-vino-poveste-de…

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Online seminar dedicated to the new European legislation took place last week.

Last week, around 90 representatives of wineries in the country participated in an online seminar dedicated to the new European legislation regarding the labeling of wine products. The seminar was given by Dr. Ignacio Sanchez Recarte, general secretary of CEEV (European Committee of Wine Companies).

The seminar discussed important topics related to the new European legislation, which will gradually enter into force, giving manufacturers a 2-year transition period for implementation. Manufacturers were advised to start preparing the new labels as early as this year and use QR code technology to redirect consumers to a web page independent of the manufacturer’s website.

The participation of winemakers from Moldova in the seminar was possible thanks to the support of ONVV, in order to place our wines as organically as possible on the European market, according to the highest quality standards.

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Moldovan wine conquers South Korea.

On November 27, in Seoul, an exclusive tasting took place that brought together wines from eight Moldovan producers: Asconi, Bostavan, Carpe Diem, Chateau Cristi, Gitana, Milestii Mici, Purcari, Radacini.

Learn more about the exclusive tasting in the article published on agrobiznes.md:


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“Successful Participation: Moldova at the World Bulk Wine Exhibition (WBWE) 2023”.

We are happy to share with you the excitement of our participation in the 15th edition of the World Bulk Wine Exhibition (WBWE) in Amsterdam, held on November 20-21.

ONVV organized the participation of 13 wine producers from Moldova in this event, with over 140 types of wines from TM Kazayak, Vinaria Ungheni, Vinuri De Comrat, Vinia Traian, Radacini, Denovie-Group, Vinaria din Vale, Salcuta, Podgoria Wine, Hincesti Winery, Asconi Winery, Tomai Vinex and Corten Wine.

ONVV representatives took part in first-class conferences held during the event, addressing crucial topics for the international wine industry, such as sustainability, the influence of logistics on the final price, the efficiency of different types of packaging, etc. At the same time, our winemakers had the opportunity to negotiate with international wine importers to develop their business on a larger scale.

It was an event that opens up beautiful prospects for our wines all over the world and promises to offer our country new markets for bulk wines.

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Moldova’s wine riches at Euronews.

We are incredibly proud that Moldavian Wine is becoming more and more noticed abroad. In a new Euronews material, the Explore column, journalist Anca Ulea discovered Moldova’s viticultural wealth and the uniqueness of its traditions.

Anca visited the legendary winery Combinatul de Vinuri “CRICOVA” S.A., the picturesque places of the Orheiul Vechi region and admired the beauty of the Moldovan vineyards in a completely new way, from the height of a hot air balloon. Of course, this dream trip could not end otherwise than with a traditional Moldovan dinner, paired with an authentic wine at the Chateau Vartely Winery.

Broadcasting these reports on the prestigious Euronews is a first for our country, and represents the joint efforts made by the National Vine and Wine Office (ONVV) in partnership with USAID Moldova in collaboration with Euronews to promote the Wine of Moldova country brand.

See the full report on the link: https://shorturl.at/IMZ56

Contests Latest Events

The Spectacular Results: “Moldovan Wine” National Competition – 2nd Edition”.​

We are pleased to announce the results of the 2nd edition of the “Wine of Moldova” National Contest, which took place on November 9 and 10 at Digital Park.

We remind you that at this edition, 60 wine companies from the country presented 307 wine samples for judging. The wines were appreciated by a special jury, made up of wine experts from Romania, the Netherlands, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Georgia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and Moldova.

In total, 92 medals were awarded, which means that about 30% of the participating samples were awarded. In addition to the 80 gold and 6 silver medals, 6 Grand Gold medals were also won by the following wineries: Casa Vinicola Luca, Fautor Winery, Castel Mimi and Purcari Wines.

This year’s diplomas will be awarded during the Wine Opening, which will take place on December 15 at the Palace of the Republic.

Stay tuned to see the full list of winners update.

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Moldovan wine at the World Bulk Wine Exhibition.

We are excited to announce that we are gearing up for the 15th edition of the world’s most important and prestigious bulk wine exhibition – the World Bulk Wine Exhibition (WBWE), which will take place in Amsterdam on November 20 and 21 .

This event is a unique opportunity for wine producers, distillers and international buyers to meet and discover a significant percentage of the world’s harvest in just two days, all in one place.

ONVV supports the participation of 13 wine producers from Moldova in the World Bulk Wine Exhibition: TM Kazayak, Vinaria Ungheni, SA Vinuri De Comrat, Vinia Traian, Radacini, Denovie-Group, Vinaria din Vale, Salcuta, Podgoria Vin, Vinaria Hincesti, Asconi Winery , Tomai Vinex and Corten Vin.

We are looking forward to this event which gives our winemakers the opportunity to promote themselves in the international wine markets. For more details about WBWE visit the following link: www.worldbulkwine.com/en/

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Moldavian wine made its successful debut at Enoexpo Krakow!

Between November 8-10, we were happy to be part of the Enoexpo Krakow exhibition – the largest and most prestigious wine event in Poland.

With the support of ONVV, 14 wineries from Moldova were present for the first time at this event, presenting over 140 wines. The Moldovan stand enjoyed popularity among the exhibition guests and was visited by the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Moldova in Poland.

Igor Bodiu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Poland, discussed with our winemakers in view of new opportunities on the Polish market.

Poland is an important and strategic market for winemakers, ranking 2nd among the countries where producers export bottled wine.

The Republic of Moldova was present at Enoexpo Krakow with the common stand under the country brand “Wine of Moldova”, which brought together 14 wine producers from Moldova:


Chateau Cojusna, Migdal-P

Tomai Vinex


Purcari Wines

Vinuri De Comrat

Castel Mimi


Asconi Winery


Vinaria din Vale


Vinia Traian

Podgoria Vin

ONVV continues to support the promotion of Moldovan Wine on an international level, and after this event, we are confident that our winemakers will find new export opportunities on the Polish market.

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The second edition of the “Wine of Moldova” contest marked a significant moment for the country, aligning itself with international wine standards.

On 9 and 10 November at Digital Park, 60 wineries from across the country presented their best wines, with an impressive total of 293 wine samples for evaluation.

The competition included a diverse range of wines, from local varieties such as Fetească Albă and Fetească Neagră, to newer Moldovan selections. The jury, made up of 30 experts from Romania, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Georgia, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova, evaluated around 50 wine samples every day.

The most outstanding wines will receive the Gold Medal and the Grand Gold Medal. These distinguished wines will be exhibited at the Wine Opening, the winter edition, giving the public the chance to discover the excellence of Moldovan wines.

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Moldovan wine conquers South Korea!

On Monday, November 27, in the capital of South Korea – Seoul, the Moldova Wine Grand Tasting event will take place.

Guests and Korean wine experts will have the opportunity to discover a generous selection of Moldovan wines currently available on the South Korean market, as well as wines to be imported.

Also during this event, Chan Jun Park, director of the Eastern and Central European Wine Research Institute, will hold a masterclass on Moldovan wines. “We believe that this event will arouse significant interest in Moldovan wines in our country,” said Chan Jun Park.

We are looking forward to this event dedicated to Moldovan Wine, and we are sure that our winemakers will have a significant presence on the South Korean and Asian wine market.