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All Wineries Bottled wine Codru PGI PGI Regions

Alianta Vin


Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal

Alianta Vin Winery

Alianţa-Vin” is a limited liability joint venture founded in 1994 as a grape processing, wine production and bottling company.

The constant high quality of our production is guaranteed by the use of elite grape varieties and by the processing performed by modern equipment supplied by the main European producers. The fermentation, treatment and subsequent storage of wine are carried out in line with the most advanced methods and, at the same time, with respect to ancestral traditions. Additionally, pursuing the aim to comply with international quality standards, “Alianţa-Vin” limited liability joint venture holds the international certificate of food safety management system, ISO 22000: 2005. Our company has created a unique collection of high-quality wines, dry and semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet, liqueur wines and sparkling wines, especially for those with fine taste in wines and that follow the trends. The wines of Alianţa-Vin” limited liability joint venture is exported to more than 17 countries around the world and have achieved worldwide recognition.



Merlot Cabernet – Sauvignon Muscat de Hamburg”

This is an unusual blend, considered a challenge of enjoying the traditional fruit aroma of Merlot and of Cabernet-Sauvignon varieties along with the freshness of fine Muscat. It is characterised by a ruby-red colour, a sweet fruit aroma with fine Muscat hues and ele-gant, fruity taste.

Fetească Albă – Muscat

This is an elegant, refreshing blend. The unusual palette of flavour is obtained from the combination of two different grape varieties – Fetească Albă and Muscat. Its delightful flavour captures the warmth of the sun, the richness of the vineyards and the kindness of people. It has got a light straw colour with shades of green, a wildflower aroma with fine nuances of Muscat and a pleasant flavour with light Muscat nuances.

Chardonnay – Riesling

This blend represents a perfect combination of aromas and an expressive balanced taste, in which the fullness of tropical fruits and the freshness of wildflowers prevail. Its natural aroma and the harmony of taste will impress you.. It has got a light straw colour with shades of green, an aroma of fruits and wildflowers, a harmonious taste, slightly spicy and persistent.


Address: 38 Orheiului str., Strășeni city, 3701, Republic of Moldova,

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All Wineries Bottled wine Codru PGI PGI Regions

Agrici Wine


Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal

Agrici Winery

The winery was founded in 1958. For over 60 years it has been producing wines from hand-harvested grapes grown in vineyards located in the “Milestii Mici” village.

“Our crafted wines are the outcome of the teamwork of two generations of winemakers from Agrici family. Our commitment is to grow high quality grapes and run the winery in a sustainable way, by combining innovation with a creative spirit and century traditions. Aiming at ensuring a high quality of raw material, as of 2004 we have planted 80 ha of vines of both European and local varieties. It is our belief that extraordinary wines can only be obtained exclusively from high quality grapes. The grape varieties in our vine-yards include Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Merlot, Rară Neagră, Saperavi, Chardonnay, Aligoté, Muscat and Rkatsiteli”.

At present, the winery is a dynamic facility operating in line with the latest winemaking techniques. Giving priority to quality is a principle applied by the Agrici family in the management of its entire production process, from the cultivation of grapes up to marketing to the final consumer, the wines with Codru Protected Geographical Indication, both on the domestic and international market”.



Cabernet Sauvignon – Fetească Neagră

This is a rosé from Cabernet Sauvignon and the local Feteasca Neagră variety with red currant and raspberry aromas and a well-balanced and fresh after taste.

Merlot – Fetească Neagră

An elegant wine blend of Merlot and Fetească Neagră with intense aromas of berries, black currant, red cherries, and notes of ripe plums.

Fetească Neagră – Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot

This is a full-bodied red blend of Feteasca Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, characterised by black currant and red cherry aromas, with hints of sweet pepper and hues of ripe plums.


Address: Republic of Moldova, Ialoveni district, Milestii Mici village

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