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Podgoria Vin


Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal

Podgoria Vin Winery

“Art is an adventure towards an unknown world, which can be explored only by the ones who dare to take risks.”

Indeed, grape cultivation and winemaking is an art and the talent, ambition and professionalism constitute the strengths of its development. The Podgoria Vin is a wine company from the South of the Republic of Moldova, which ventured to discover and promote this art. The Podgoria Vin is a company that has been blessed to set up its vineyards and wineries in an area with a special microclimate. We believe that the key to our success lies in the fidelity to the cultivation traditions, inherited from our ancestors, combined with the most modern grape processing technologies, all finding reflection in our wines.

The core priority of our company is producing high quality wines, and the terroir, the vine architecture and the love for wines constitute the main pillars of this process. We are proud to own over 400 ha of vines, in the southern region of the Republic of Moldova, in PGI Valul lui Traian. The vine varieties that we grow include European varieties such as Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Riesling, Kerner, Aligote, Cabernet-Sauvignon and Merlot and traditional local varieties such as Feteasca Albă, Feteasca Regală, Viorica, Feteasca Neagră and Rară Neagră.



Wine “Genesis Rhein Riesling”

It is characterised by a full, harmonious taste, a straw-yellow colour and aromas of fine jasmine, freshly mowed grass, and wildflowers.

Wine “Libera”

It has a full and structured taste, an intense ruby-red colour and a balanced aroma of dried fruits and bitter chocolate.

Wine “Libera”

This wine has got a slightly spicy, full, and harmonious taste, with fine nuances of dark chocolate, and is characterised by a ruby-red colour, and an aroma of fruit and black cherries.

Tourist information

  • Reservation required: Yes
  • Open hours (Friday – Sunday): 11:00 – 19:00
  • Period: All year round
  • Spoken languages: Romanian, Russian, English, French


  • Wine tasting
  • Wine and Souvenir Shop
  • Lunch and Dinner
  • Wine Tastings during the Production Process (August – October)
  • Participation to the Wine Production Process (August-October)
  • Personalised Wine Orders

Sightseeing in the area

  • Holy Three Hierarchs Church (Lingura village)
  • Museum of History and Ethnography (Tartaul village)
  • Craft and artistic weaving centre (Ciobalaccia village)
  • ATV rides in the Tigheci forest
  • Cold store facility
  • Water storage reservoir
  • Fruit and vegetable drier (August – November)
  • Vineyards of various types and architecture
  • Orchards of plums, apples and sour cherries of various types and architecture


Address: Lingura village, Cantemir district, Republic of Moldova

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Crama Tudor


Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal

Crama Tudor

Crama Tudor of the winemaker Tudor Aghenie is located in the centre of the country, in the Sadova village, Călăraşi district.

Tudor Aghenie is a 6th generation of winemaker with a passion for wine production inher-ited from his ancestors – wealthy landlords, who used to own extensive estates in this re-gion. Even in those times, wines from Sadova used to be delivered in Europe.

In recent years, Tudor Aghenie managed to combine his passion as a skilled producer with the promotion of rural tourism. Situated in a picturesque natural setting, Crama Tu-dor is located at the edge of a forest, in close vicinity to the vineyards, making a perfect refuge for the guests. One can find several wooden houses, furnished in a traditional style, an oven where are cooked delicious stuffed vine leaves and pies, and a cellar with wines produced by the winemaker.

Originally, the place was intended for the vineyard workers to relax. Now, however, it has been turned into an important attraction for tourists eager to discover quality wines and traditional food prepared with love by Tudor Aghenie’s family.


Information for Tourists

  • Reservation required: Yes
  • Open hours: Monday – Sunday
  • Period: All year round
  • Spoken languages: Romanian, Russian


  • Wine tasting
  • Wine and Souvenir Shop
  • Lunch and Dinner
  • Guided Tours
  • Terrace

Sightseeing places in the area

  • Chișinău
  • Pușkin House Museum
  • Honey House (Răciula village)
  • “Codri” scientific nature reserve
  • Monastery complex


Adress: Republica Moldova, r. Călărași, s. Sadova

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