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Leuntea Vin Cellars


Wine Of Moldova

Cabinetul Personal

Leuntea-Vin Cellars

Leuntea-Vin, located in Leuntea village, is a family winery of historical importance for the south-eastern part of Moldova.

Its history on the Bessarabia territory goes back to 1817. In those times the winery became the centre of the wine industry’s development in the region, thus, bringing the know-how and technology of European winemaking.

The wine is produced by Mr. Dmitri Cissa – the owner of the winery, a representative of the fourth generation of winemakers, a passionate of winemaking, with over 45 years of experience in oenology. Mr. Dmitri Cissa supervises and ensures the compliance with winemaking requirements in both technological and product quality. The grapes are grown in private vineyards, located near the Dniester River, in the Purcari area. The latter is renowned for its fertile soil, rich in microelements, which creates optimal conditions for the production of exceptional wines.

Pursuing the goal to share its legacy with the next generation Leuntea-Vin, apart from maintaining the traditions of wine production and quality assurance, also maintains the spirit of the past and the atmosphere and history of the place.


Information for tourists

  • Reservation required: Yes
  • Groups of at least 4 people
  • Open (Monday – Sunday): 10:00 – 19:00
  • Period: All year round
  • Spoken languages: Romanian, Russian, English


  • Guided Tours and Tastings
  • Lunch and Dinner in the Tasting Room
  • Wine and Souvenir Shop

Attractions in the area

  • „Martha and Mary” Monastery
  • The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Căușeni
  • Pheasant farm


Address: Leuntea village, Căușeni district, Republic of Moldova

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