We proudly announce that in a short time, the 2nd edition of the “Wine of Moldova” National Competition will be held in Chisinau. The event will take place on November 9 and 10 at Digital Park, where 60 wine companies from the country will present 294 wine samples for judging.
The samples will be judged by wine experts from the country, but also by specialists from abroad, who will come to Chisinau from Romania, the Netherlands, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Georgia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The winners of the contest will be awarded at the Wine Vernissage, which will take place on December 15 at the Republic Palace. We are eagerly awaiting the results, to find out which are the best Moldovan wines, wines that we will have the opportunity to fully enjoy at the Wine Opening.
The “Wine of Moldova” National Contest is dedicated to wines produced from local varieties, wines produced from new varieties of Moldovan selection, wines obtained by assembling them with those from European varieties, blended wines obtained from assembling European varieties, as well as spirits of winemaking origin .
The “Wine of Moldova” competition is organized by the National Vine and Wine Office with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, with the support of the strategic partner – USAID Moldova, through the rural competitiveness and resilience project.