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More than 1,500 visitors discovered Moldavian Wine at the 19th edition of the “Wine Opening”

More than 1,500 visitors discovered Moldavian wine at the 19th edition of the “Wine Opening”, which took place this year under the title “Longing for spring wine”
The event hosted 66 wineries this year, and guests had the opportunity to taste 55 new seasonal wines and 350 white and rosé wines. At this edition, 1000 bottles of wine were sold and 1200 bottles were tasted
The Wine Vernissage was organized by the National Vine and Wine Office (ONVV), together with the strategic partner USAID Moldova, through the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project.

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Vernisajului Vinului 2023: The most anticipated wine event of the year passed with flying colours

The most anticipated wine event of the year passed with flying colors and left a delicious aftertaste in our souls.

At the 19th edition of the Wine Opening we had select wines, beautiful people and truly memorable moments.

This year, 66 wineries participated in the Wine Opening and 55 new seasonal wines were presented. And to remind you how beautiful it was, we have prepared a selection of photos of the winemakers from this year’s edition.


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The 19th edition of the Wine Opening is already tomorrow

The 19th edition of the Wine Opening is already tomorrow, and we are eager to meet you in this space aligned with the signature of the elegant, fragrant and transparent wines that will be presented at the event!

To facilitate your journey into the world of spring wine within the Palace of the Republic, we have prepared a map of the areas with the location of the wine producers’ stands.

You still have time to get your tickets by visiting the link


See you there!

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Only 4 days left until the most anticipated event

There are only four days left until the most anticipated event in the world of local wine – the Spring Wine Opening, and we are looking forward to seeing you there.

We are waiting for you with seasonal wines, newly launched and collection, in a warm atmosphere and soulful discussions. The producers have already prepared their luggage with quality wines, lots of enthusiasm and desire to share them with you!

Hurry to grab tickets from


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RO Wine – International Wine Festival of Romania 2023

We are happy to share that the Wine of Moldova will be represented at RO-Wine The International Wine Festival of Romania by 40 producers, including 15 small winemakers supported by the National Office of Vine and Wine and the strategic partner USAID Moldova.
The International RO Wine Festival – International Wine Festival of Romania will take place between 12-14 May 2023 in Bucharest.

Both operators from the HoReCa sector and premium quality and luxury wine enthusiasts are expected at the event.

The wineries will exhibit their products under the umbrella of the country wine brand “Wine of Moldova. A legend alive”, and we invite you to get to know the stories of the wines created in Moldova and the people behind them.

Tickets are available here https://rb.gy/12ek3
You’re welcome!

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The Spring Wine Opening is fast approaching

The Spring Wine Opening is fast approaching, and we urge you to make sure you have a ticket to the beloved event of all wine lovers.
We are happy to share that 66 wineries will participate in this year’s edition. Moreover, you will be able to discover 55 new seasonal wines and taste organic wines from local varieties, from more than 20 wineries.

In total, more than 350 types of white and rosé wines will be presented at the event, fragrant, delicate and fresh, perfect to be enjoyed in the warm season.

Missing spring wine. We look forward to seeing you at the Vernissage to celebrate the quality and brilliance of local wines!

The event will take place on May 5, at 17:00, at the Palace of the Republic (Maria Cebotari str. 16) in Chisinau.

You can purchase tickets on


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Save the Date: Vernisajul Vinului 05.05.2023

The Wine Opening returns, this spring, with its 19th edition to delight all Moldovan wine lovers with fine, quality, local wines.

The event will take place on May 5, at 17:00, at the Palace of the Republic (Maria Cebotari str. 16) in Chisinau.

The guests of the Spring Vernissage will have the opportunity to discover a wide range of wines, for all preferences, by participating in the tastings gathered during the event, but even more valuable, they will be part of the important initiative to promote and support the wines created by Moldovan producers.

We are happy that this edition of the event will be attended by more than 65 winemakers who will showcase the fruits of their labor – both new releases and collection wines – approximately 300 seasonal, white and rosé wines.

We enthusiastically invite you, dear enthusiasts, to the wonderful world of local wine to celebrate it, in a warm atmosphere, as between friends, for heart-to-heart talks and new acquaintances.
Together we tame our longing for spring wine!

Find tickets already on sale on


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A blessed Easter!

The bright period of the Easter holidays is approaching, and we, the Wine of Moldova team, want to congratulate you and wish you an Easter full of hope, harmony and peace, which will bring you joy and well-being!

Nothing is more precious than spending these special moments with loved ones, family and friends!

May these holidays be filled with the aroma of pastries and fresh bread, taste traditional dishes and clink glasses with selected wines in a warm and loving atmosphere.

A blessed Easter!

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Carlevana Winery

Carlevana Winery

Carlevana Winery is one of the most progressive and fast developing enterprises in the wine industry of Moldova. Our aim is to produce wines that will make Moldova famous!

Carlevana Winery is located in the heart of Moldova, Merenii Noi (New Mereni) village, in 25 km from Chisinau. The landscape protects vineyards from winter frosts and summer droughts. The company is an entire winemaking complex. The whole process, starting with the care of the vine, and ending with filling in cells and the preparing for sale, is controlled by experts of Carlevana Winery. The total area of the company’s vineyards is more than 151 hectares. Most of them are Riesling, Sauvignon and Rara Neagră. It is also worth noting that the company is one of the few in Moldova that cultivate Sauvignon Gris and Pinot Gris varieties. At present, the company has the largest area of vineyards of Riesling and Rara Neagră varieties.

At the beginning of December, 2021, we opened the doors of Veranda Carlevana, which is located on the territory of the winery. A bohemian and quiet place, far from the noisy traffic of the capital. Every member of ou winery team give the best to offer you the best eno-gastronomic experience!



Carlevana Raritet Rara Neagră

Natural high quality dry red aged wine. It is made of an endemic to Moldava sort of grapes – Rara Neagra, grown on the sunny hills of Central Moldova. 

Carlevana Malbec

Dry red wine, aged for 2 years in oak barrels. Intense color, delicate aroma of red fruits and full taste.

Carlevana Merlotage

Merlotage 2019 – This dry red wine is made from a mix between French and Moldavian grape varietals: Merlot, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon. 

Information for tourists

  • Reservation required: No.
  • Wine tours and wine tastings: 12:00 to 22:00
  • Period: All year round
  • Spoken languages: Romanian, English, and Russian


  • Guided Tours and Wine Tastings
  • Wine and Souvenir Shop
  • Weddings, Corporate Events and Conferences
  • Restaurant

Attractions in the area

  • Merenii Noi, rn Anenii Noi


Adresa: str. Ștefan cel Mare 9, s. Merenii noi, rn Anenii Noi

E-mail: turism@carlevana.md

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The National Wine Day of Moldova was selected as one of the Winners of the public vote in the “Magnet of the region” category with the result of 714 votes

Great news for Wine of Moldova!

The Wine Travel Awards team has announced that Moldova’s National Wine Day has been selected as one of the Winners of the public vote in the “Magnet of the region” category with the result of 714 votes.

The WTA winners will be announced in May on the official website and will be awarded at the WTA Ceremony on May 17, 2023, between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM, at the London Wine Fair!

We are glad that the efforts of the National Vine and Wine Office team and the support of the loyal public have yielded results.